Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I for one, will NOT be sad to see the turn of the calender this year. I know others have had the opposite experience. What I have learned for certain is ..... this too shall pass. Be it good, bad or indifferent. This not only applies to years; but to months, weeks and days also. This too shall pass. So if it is wonderful, enjoy it while you can; and take those lovely memories forward to help you in times that are harder. If it is hard or sad, learn what you can and KNOW...that it will pass....eventually. I know that the emotions we bring with us will linger much longer than any actual experience; but try to let the good ones bring you back to your very core, and let the bad ones teach us to be kinder and more tolerant to those who are going through hard times themselves. I hope that in this New Year coming upon us that you find the serenity, courage, and strength to remain who you truly are, and in this that you find the joy of knowing..... I love you all. Talk to you next year..... or at least in a couple days. Happy New Year. Love, Mishka.

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