Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been through the ringer over the last few weeks. This last one was the most INTENSE.... Almost unbearable. I am still having a LOT of very vivid INTENSE dreams...but they have been very cathartic in a way. I have closed the door on so many things that have been hanging over me for such a long time. It is liberating in a way, even though I am completely mentally wrung out.... Sometimes we have to go through the deep muddy swamp of our minds to find what we need to clean out....Yeah it is slow going and exhausting, but somehow we find the will to persevere. We can come back to who we truly are, with the knowledge and strength to do it with dignity and grace instead of struggling all the time. Two more days and Mercury goes direct...the energy should lighten up and all this will just pass by with a sigh of relief.... Just remember what you have learned... otherwise, you will have to do it all again later. Be grateful. Grateful that you have come to a place of closure, and grateful this INTENSITY is about to give way to some blessed relief. Love, Mishka.

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