Thursday, August 20, 2015

Mishka's Heart: Fate vs. Free Will.

Mishka's Heart: Fate vs. Free Will.: My dearest angels.... My thoughts have been drawn to the gift of free will. I know many of us struggle with the idea of Fate vs. free will. ...

Fate vs. Free Will.

My dearest angels.... My thoughts have been drawn to the gift of free will. I know many of us struggle with the idea of Fate vs. free will. Everyone always asks how God (or Goddess or higher power etc.) can allow such atrocities to occur and do nothing about them. The thing about free will... is that it has to be 100% or not at all. It has to be given to those who would do evil as well as those who do good; what would be the point otherwise. I know that it seems callus, but the joy, pain, responsibility, weight, and freedom of free will are actually gifts..... God, or whatever power you believe in, does give us help in the form of messages, miracles, serendipity to show us we are on the right path. Most importantly, He gives us our soul, our inner voice, our intuition, our conscience, our inner Jimminy Cricket to lead us in the right direction. Do we all have a fate that we cannot escape? Of course not. Free will makes our fate our own path to forge. We are not inexorably trapped on a course that no matter what we do we will end up in the same place. Take courage in the fact that we create our own destiny. That is the TRUE gift of free will. Do not pigeon-hole yourself into believing you cannot escape a fate you do not wish, or fear that 'fate' will steal you from the path you are so happy on right now. It is all in our hands ... to do with what we will. Good or Evil. As are the consequences. Find your path... Reach for the stars. And know that the only thing our creator wants us to find, is the fact that love is the most beautiful and magical path we can follow. Love, Mishka.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mishka's Heart: Don't Give Up.....

Mishka's Heart: Don't Give Up.....: Don't give up.... Don't lose faith.... Keep hoping..... there are good people out there. Kind, honest, loyal... People with convict...

Don't Give Up.....

Don't give up.... Don't lose faith.... Keep hoping..... there are good people out there. Kind, honest, loyal... People with conviction, integrity, compassion. People like US. I know if you watch the news or just look around you, it may be hard to believe; but it is true. It is just a matter of finding them. Yes, people will betray you, abandon you, bully you. That is also a fact, but that is on THEM. NOT you. Know that in your beautiful, generous heart and to the depths of your brilliant but clouded soul. Don't give up on the human race. Maybe you just have to look in different places. Keep trying to find good in this world, because it is there. Hope is there for a reason. It is there to let us know that no matter how dark it seems, no matter how relentless, no matter how deep that hole or long that tunnel... there will be light again. Love again. Truth again. Never stop believing and NEVER give up hope. That is what lights our soul even in the darkest hour. That is what keeps our heart beating... even when we no longer want it to. HOPE. I have hope because of all of you and my family and those I love. I have SEEN that every time you think the road is at an end, HOPE shows you a branch in that road that you had not seen before. Love, Mishka.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mishka's Heart: Don't Be Embarrassed By Grief.

Mishka's Heart: Don't Be Embarrassed By Grief.: Oh my angels... Grief is such a heavy veil. We have all been through it. The loss of loved ones, broken hearts, or even witnessing ...

Don't Be Embarrassed By Grief.

Oh my angels... Grief is such a heavy veil. We have all been through it. The loss of loved ones, broken hearts, or even witnessing the cruelty and horror that surround us every day in this life. It is such a poignant beautiful ache. Bittersweet memories enrobed in the knowledge that we will never share them with our loved ones again, and deep sorrow in the knowledge that we will make no more. The pall of heartaches past clouding the joy of the love we embrace and exalt in now. Do not hide your grief, your sorrow, your pain. Do not be ashamed that your heart has not healed well enough for those around you. Grief is something that will follow us always. We may learn to live around it, but it will be with us FOREVER. We need to be there for each other and share the burden of this ache. Kindness, love, empathy....let them rule us when the pain is too much for us to bear. It is necessary.... part of what keeps us human and humane. Love, Mishka.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mishka's Heart: Spread the Love.

Mishka's Heart: Spread the Love.: Love is probably the one thing on this Earth that there is no limit to. It is something we give.. hoping for it to come back to us....

Spread the Love.

Love is probably the one thing on this Earth that there is no limit to. It is something we give.. hoping for it to come back to us. We do not understand why it does not come back to us in the way we gave or in the same measure. What I have learned is that we do not love because we will get something back. We love, because it is our nature. When we love without looking for something in return that is the purest form of love. There is no limit on love. We will never run out of it. It is the most renewable resource on the planet and beyond. Know that we do what it is good and right for us to do. We love because that is why we are here. To love and help each other through this maze. I know it is hard, but BE love. If it does not come back to you.... you are still LOVE. Nothing can take that away. Don't be stingy...spread that around... LOVE, Mishka.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Mishka's Heart: Believe that Anything is Possible.

Mishka's Heart: Believe that Anything is Possible.: I like to believe that anything is possible. Yes, I have my dark side. My dark moments, days...YEARS. But I never want to lose that whimsy ...

Believe that Anything is Possible.

I like to believe that anything is possible. Yes, I have my dark side. My dark moments, days...YEARS. But I never want to lose that whimsy that allows me to still believe that there is the POSSIBILITY of fairies, and unicorns, and yes mermaids... anything beautiful, whimsical and yes even scary. I know that this is part of what keeps me from giving up. ANYTHING is possible. Daydreaming is frowned upon as an adult. I am telling you to do it. Daydream all you want. Use that amazing imagination we have all been blessed with. It is still there even if you haven't used it for a while. Color in a coloring book, draw, sing silly songs at the top of your lungs, play; and for GOD'S SILLY. Don't be afraid of looking ridiculous... be afraid of NOT looking least sometimes. Don't be ashamed of that goofy, dorky sense of humor. Let it shine. Let yourself SHINE. Read old fairy tales. Let yourself remember all the things you did when you were a child. Remember when you used to spin around and around and around and get all dizzy and fling your arms out to your side with the joy of it? Well, you don't have to do that, you could fall. But do SOMETHING that makes you feel free and wild and perfectly joyful like that. Let your childlike joy and amazement of things be flamed to life again. In the process of trying to deal with life... Don't forget how to LIVE. Love, Mishka.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Mishka's Heart: Joy, Relief, Release

Mishka's Heart: Joy, Relief, Release: Sometimes a moment of pure beauty can bring us to our knees more effectively than any horror can. We can become inundated by the horror of t...

Joy, Relief, Release

Sometimes a moment of pure beauty can bring us to our knees more effectively than any horror can. We can become inundated by the horror of the things we see on the news or in our personal lives and it can be so painful that we forget to breathe. Just when we think that we are down for the count, something happens. Something beautiful. Something magical. Something so.... breathtaking that the tears you have been holding in burst forth, but not in pain. In relief. In joy. In gratitude.  In RELEASE.
These blessings are everywhere; but when we are bombarded by the cruel, the cold and distant, the heartbreaking.... we cannot see anything else.  That is when that magical EXPLOSION which can be a mere whisper of a thought, finding an item that we thought was gone forever, a loving hug when we need it most; finds us and relieves that which has been holding us down. We may still rest where we are... weak from what has gone before and stunned by the sudden absence of the weight of our sorrow, anger, bitterness... that we just stop for a moment and revel in it's glorious joy. This can make us more emotional that the bad stuff. There may be tears...lots of them, laughter, stunned moments of silence. Breathe in that moment and let it suffuse your shattered, beaten soul and revive that which you had mistaken as your soul having died, when it was merely sleeping, waiting.... for that magical reawakening that renews even if it will never completely heal. Love, Mishka.