Saturday, August 23, 2014

Learn to use your intuition

We have been trained from an early age to ignore our intuition or 'gut' feelings. There were times when we did not like someone, and uncle or friend of the family. We were told that we were being silly or that it was just our imagination. As a result we learned to ignore or worse, mistrust that oh so important voice from within. What we have forgotten about it, would dwarf what we remember. It is important to begin trusting that voice again. Simple things. Like listening to your own counsel before a decision. Even one as simple as how early to leave in order to get somewhere on time. A fun exercise to do is using either note cards which you have colored on the back or crayons. Put them face down (cards) try using your intuition to pick which card has which color. The other one is to take a handful of crayons and close your eyes and pick one up and try to guess the color.

There is another part of intuition that we refuse to use. It is when we meet people and have an instant reaction to them...good or bad. The same goes for places and situations. People read 'auras' all the time. We do it every day. An aura is no more or no less than the electrical field we produce just by living extending just outside our physical bodies. That is all it is, but because we are humans and have personalities and souls, part of that is extended with the electrical field. Do NOT ignore your reactions to this. We do it all the time. Someone says, let me help you with your groceries up to your house or apartment and you are instantly hit with a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. Something tells you not to go a certain way to work etc. This is our mind and bodies way of protecting us. We ignore it most of the time because of what we were taught when we were children. It is your imagination, don't be silly. Or because we do not want to be rude. Well, I am giving you permission to be rude and walk away from anyone or anything that feels 'yucky' to you. I call it my spidey sense.  Animals do this all the time to gauge whether or not another animal or place, or situation is safe. We have forgotten how to do this. Start with small things. Really think about how a person or place effects you. See if you were right or wrong about it. This is one of the best tools we have from our ancestors to help us navigate this world. Learn to trust yours again and do NOT let anyone make you feel silly for doing it. Learn how it tells you what you need to know, and how to trust it again.... <3 Mishka.

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