Monday, October 6, 2014

One With the Universe?

The Universe..... She is full of purity and love as well as evil. Light and dark. The achingly beautiful and the hideously profane. Universal consciousness is not something I wish to obtain. I would rather keep my individuality. There is also the seriously sharp point that we need all of these. There can be no light without darkness to emphasize it. Purity and love will always be needed to defy evil. The profane is there to allow us to truly appreciate beauty. This does not mean that we do not strive for the purity, love, light, and beauty. It merely means that we accept that the opposites will always be there..... It is not MEANT for this Universe to only have one experience. The most important thing we are given in this life is free will. If there is only one experience, this is a moot point. There MUST be individual consciousness above the Universal...ALWAYS. For the individuality is what makes us each unique and remarkable human beings, rather that unified robots. We must use our free will and do the best we can for ourselves and others; in our own precious, delightfully flawed way. You do not need to be one with the Universe. You need to use that individuality to make it a better place. <3 Mishka

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