Saturday, September 26, 2015


We are in for one WILD ride. Tomorrow night. (Sunday) at around ten p.m. central time, there is going to be a spectacular event. One that has not occurred in about thirty years. We are going to have a super moon (closest to the Earth this year) and a full lunar eclipse. There is a LOT of chaotic energy whirling around right now. It is also tremendously impacted by the fact that we are in the middle of Mercury Retrograde (you bitch... LOL ). While this one may not be as intense as some we have seen she is still effecting us. Things are going to be really, really good; or really, really bad. This moon is about extremes. It could be good in the morning, and turn on you on a dime. Be aware and listen to your instincts. It is up to you if you want to cleanse your gems, etc under this moon, or put out moon water; again, listen to your instincts. If you feel good energy go ahead... if it is the other energy, I would hold off. This is a BLOOD moon. These moons have been a portent of major change... good or bad. This will have an impact on world affairs as much if not more so than it will impact our personal lives.. Hold on to your butts... Either way, this BLOOD MOON is going to impact all of us. I hope it is a good ride for all of you, but if it isn't, just remember that nothing is constant, and that this too shall pass. Love, Mishka.

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