Taking the high road can be very difficult. My sister and I just had a discussion about this. It is so hard to not lash out at people when they say horrible things about you, especially when it is behind your back and you have no way of defending yourself. It would be easy to lash out and attack back. To tell others what those bashing you have said about them. This is a bad road to go down, however. All you have to lose is your self-respect. Those who truly know you, know the truth, and even if they don't, they will at least ask you about the situation. All the others don't really matter. Yes, it is horribly painful. Yes, it is unjust. Yes, it will make you angry. In reality, you are probably very deeply hurt and it is coming out as anger. I also know this, acting in kind, does not make things better, it merely turns you into the very kind of person that you are being tortured by. I know it is hard. I know it is not fair. I know it, my angels... But hang on to who you truly are. They will get theirs. Eventually. It may not seem that way, but you have already won. You have already won. Keep spreading love, and stay on that high road. It may seem lonely, but those who truly know you will be there with you. Love, Mishka.
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