Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I don't believe that everything happens for a reason any longer. It can't. We all have free will. Even those who are cruel and ugly to you. I have had an epiphany about Jesus and how He taught us to turn the other cheek. He did not mean that we should not ever defend ourselves. He meant that when others hurt, abuse, betray us... that it is on them, not on US. He meant that when others do these things to us, we should stay true to ourselves and our heart and soul. He KNEW because it happened to Him and all he ever taught was love... If you do a kindness to someone and they abuse your trust or betray you... Don't change. IT IS ON THEM. You were NOT stupid, they were cruel and wrong. Stay true to yourself. If you are in a relationship and your significant other, man or woman, is abusive, cruel, or betrays you. IT IS ON THEM. Don't change. You are NOT stupid and it is NOT your fault. CHOOSE to keep your light bright. I know it hurts, but if you allow them to change your heart, they win. IF you stay true to yourself.. YOU WIN... no matter how often it happens... YOU STILL WIN. If you are kind and friendly and say hi to everyone you meet, and they just look at you like you are crazy and ignore you. Don't change.. it is ON THEM... NOT YOU> Keep doing it... YOU STILL WIN. We win by still loving after the pain, trusting again after the betrayal, being kind even when others are cruel to you. IF you need to defend yourself do it.... But STAY WHO YOU ARE... AND YOU WIN. And know this. You are human, if you are the one who does the hurting, betraying, or are cruel, which will happen. BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, apologize, make amends. Because you know how it feels on the other side. Then forgive yourself and continue to STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF. Love, Mishka.

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