I don't believe that everything happens for a reason any longer. It can't. We all have free will. Even those who are cruel and ugly to you. I have had an epiphany about Jesus and how He taught us to turn the other cheek. He did not mean that we should not ever defend ourselves. He meant that when others hurt, abuse, betray us... that it is on them, not on US. He meant that when others do these things to us, we should stay true to ourselves and our heart and soul. He KNEW because it happened to Him and all he ever taught was love... If you do a kindness to someone and they abuse your trust or betray you... Don't change. IT IS ON THEM. You were NOT stupid, they were cruel and wrong. Stay true to yourself. If you are in a relationship and your significant other, man or woman, is abusive, cruel, or betrays you. IT IS ON THEM. Don't change. You are NOT stupid and it is NOT your fault. CHOOSE to keep your light bright. I know it hurts, but if you allow them to change your heart, they win. IF you stay true to yourself.. YOU WIN... no matter how often it happens... YOU STILL WIN. If you are kind and friendly and say hi to everyone you meet, and they just look at you like you are crazy and ignore you. Don't change.. it is ON THEM... NOT YOU> Keep doing it... YOU STILL WIN. We win by still loving after the pain, trusting again after the betrayal, being kind even when others are cruel to you. IF you need to defend yourself do it.... But STAY WHO YOU ARE... AND YOU WIN. And know this. You are human, if you are the one who does the hurting, betraying, or are cruel, which will happen. BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, apologize, make amends. Because you know how it feels on the other side. Then forgive yourself and continue to STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF. Love, Mishka.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
I have never seen people the way most do. I do not say this to brag, it is merely the truth. I do not merely see their outer appearance. Maybe it is part of my gift; but I see their heart, their soul, so much more clearly. I see the best of them. This is not always a good thing, I have been hurt many times because it is hard for me to see the ugly side until it is too late; but I would never change that. I believe my empathy creates the ability to do this, but I also choose to do this. Not consciously, not all the time, but it is still a choice. I CHOOSE to see with my heart, feel with my soul. Yes, I get hurt sometimes, but the upside... the upside is beauteous. I know it is a little scary, but I KNOW if we look with our hearts, and feel with our souls, one little bit at a time we can create so much beauty and joy. It may not change the world, but it is a start. I know sometimes you feel like a caterpillar, but to me you are all butterflies. You are ALL beautiful. Love, Mishka.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Indulge Your Dark Side.
One of the things that make Halloween so awesome, is that we get to
openly engage our dark side. Face it, we all have one. We usually would
not scare small children or have decorations that make the walls look
like they are bleeding. Our yards full of coffins and severed limbs etc.
LOL Any other time of year people would think you were crazy. But on
Halloween it is acceptable. Young was a great proponent of getting to
know your dark side... intimately. He is right. Especially
in a society that is constantly telling us that if we are not bright
and happy all the time or aspiring to it, there is something wrong with
us. So indulge that dark side. Admit it, it feels good. Kind of
thrilling. to take a walk on the dark/wild side in such a safe and
benign way. That is why we LOVE Halloween so much. So indulge... at
least through the weekend
. It is okay to acknowledge your dark side. In fact it is necessary. So, I hope you all had fun, I know I did; and a little dark night of the soul searching would not be a bad idea either. Love, Mishka.
. It is okay to acknowledge your dark side. In fact it is necessary. So, I hope you all had fun, I know I did; and a little dark night of the soul searching would not be a bad idea either. Love, Mishka.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Happy Halloween and Full Moon
Everything that is fun and exciting about Halloween has been given a big burst of awesome energy thanks to the Full Moon tonight. I LOVE Halloween. It is the one time of year we can all be whomever we wish. It is FUN to get a little scared. This energy has a lovely mischievous side to it. Oh it is so delicious. So freeing. This is a good moon to charge your crystals, tarot decks or anything else you wish to, including yourself. If you have ever wanted to dance naked under the full moon, this is the one to do it under (unless it is too damn cold) wink emoticon . This is the moon to stretch yourself a little bit, indulge that dark side, just a little. Don't go overboard. There is a wildness to this moon that could catch you doing things you never thought you would.. Keep in mind that this too shall pass and you will have to face yourself afterwards. Indulge... don't BINGE. I know the weather may not be perfect everywhere. That is okay. This moon is STRONG.. in fact you are probably feeling those who have passed on even if you NEVER have. The timing of this moon could not be more perfect. IT will lend just enough oomph to your Halloween weekend, without being overwhelming. You can still do all the things you would normally do on the night of the full moon up to three days after this one. She is powerful. After three days the effects will begin to wane. I wish all of my Pagan and Wiccan friends a blessed Samhain as well. Much love, mischief, and just a tad of mayhem sent your way. Happy Halloween and Lovely Full Moon. Love, Mishka.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Take the High Road...
Taking the high road can be very difficult. My sister and I just had a discussion about this. It is so hard to not lash out at people when they say horrible things about you, especially when it is behind your back and you have no way of defending yourself. It would be easy to lash out and attack back. To tell others what those bashing you have said about them. This is a bad road to go down, however. All you have to lose is your self-respect. Those who truly know you, know the truth, and even if they don't, they will at least ask you about the situation. All the others don't really matter. Yes, it is horribly painful. Yes, it is unjust. Yes, it will make you angry. In reality, you are probably very deeply hurt and it is coming out as anger. I also know this, acting in kind, does not make things better, it merely turns you into the very kind of person that you are being tortured by. I know it is hard. I know it is not fair. I know it, my angels... But hang on to who you truly are. They will get theirs. Eventually. It may not seem that way, but you have already won. You have already won. Keep spreading love, and stay on that high road. It may seem lonely, but those who truly know you will be there with you. Love, Mishka.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Little UGLY out there right now....
There is a little bit of UGLY energy making itself known. Today, Mercury goes direct so we should be feeling some relief, right? Not so much. I think she is digging her heels in and going to hang on for a bit. So be careful with negotiations or communication of any kind. Small, insignificant conversations are breaking down into huge brawls. There is a tendency to overreact, that does not mean your feelings are invalid. It means check in with them. Are you really angry, or are you sad? Are you touchy, extra sensitive? Could be. Some are behaving badly, but things that usually would not bother us so much are like nails on a chalkboard right now. Realize that. Now would probably be a good time to do some solitary things, or things that are comforting. Pamper yourself a little and be gentle with yourself. You are only human after all, even if others are treating you as if you should be perfect right now. This too shall pass. Give it a week. It should begin to lessen each day now. Love, Mishka.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
I know these are very difficult, frustrating and heartbreaking times. I know sometimes we all feel as if we cannot make a difference. Just one person. We feel like giving up. DON'T. Don't give up my angels. Like the ripples on a calm lake after throwing a pebble in, so are we. Stronger, better, more courageous than we would have ever dreamed possible. Our impact is infinite... only limited by our imaginations and the love in our hearts. There will be times when we have to stand up for ourselves and those we love and do things that are frightening and WAY outside our comfort zone. This is when we GROW. EXPAND. BECOME...so much more again than we already are. Our ability to love is infinite. Remember, no matter how bad things become, this too shall pass. Be who you are. Stand up for what you believe, especially if you are standing alone. And NEVER betray your convictions. But most of all. LOVE EACH OTHER. Love, Mishka.
Monday, September 28, 2015
OOOOH That's Nice...
OOOOh that's nice. I lucked out and got to see the eclipse until it was fully dark before the clouds rolled in. I must say, I am feeling particularly zen after last night's big event. It was beautiful and serene, and magical. I feel refreshed, and calmer than I have in a very long time. I have been feeling more from the other side. Quite a bit more. Damn that veil is thin. A LOT of you who don't usually feel anything of that nature, will be feeling it a lot more.. It will keep getting more and more intense until at least Halloween/Samhain. For now... cleanse your spaces, use that moon water and soak up some of that delicious full moon energy... I honestly have not felt this lovely in quite a while. This is good news, because minor snafus aside, this will help take some of the wind out of the remainder of Mercury Retrograde which begins easing forward again October 7th. Love you my angels. Mishka.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
We are in for one WILD ride. Tomorrow night. (Sunday) at around ten p.m. central time, there is going to be a spectacular event. One that has not occurred in about thirty years. We are going to have a super moon (closest to the Earth this year) and a full lunar eclipse. There is a LOT of chaotic energy whirling around right now. It is also tremendously impacted by the fact that we are in the middle of Mercury Retrograde (you bitch... LOL ). While this one may not be as intense as some we have seen she is still effecting us. Things are going to be really, really good; or really, really bad. This moon is about extremes. It could be good in the morning, and turn on you on a dime. Be aware and listen to your instincts. It is up to you if you want to cleanse your gems, etc under this moon, or put out moon water; again, listen to your instincts. If you feel good energy go ahead... if it is the other energy, I would hold off. This is a BLOOD moon. These moons have been a portent of major change... good or bad. This will have an impact on world affairs as much if not more so than it will impact our personal lives.. Hold on to your butts... Either way, this BLOOD MOON is going to impact all of us. I hope it is a good ride for all of you, but if it isn't, just remember that nothing is constant, and that this too shall pass. Love, Mishka.
Friday, September 25, 2015
There is some very strange energy going on ... I mean some WEIRD stuff... Okay. I mean like Alice down the rabbit hole weird. Protect yourselves. Check the security of your emails and other accounts, and brace yourselves my angels.. I think we are in for one CRAZY time. There is a blood full moon, with a full eclipse, and it is a super moon. I will do a full moon post in a couple days, but felt this was necessary. If something feels weird or off to you... Pay attention to it and listen to your instincts.... I MEAN IT. Love, Mishka.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde is here, for better or worse. So far it is feeling more like a sigh of relief compared to the nasty, heavy energy we just bulldozed through. Now is actually a good time to take stock. We are going to be tested, so we may as well learn something from it. You may feel more creative than usual. Feed that. Your patience is definitely going to be tested. Forewarned is forearmed. Take heed. Maybe take some time to recharge those energies that were so depleted by the recent energies. It is okay to take some time and relax and take some alone time for yourself. You may feel like spending more or getting rid of a lot of stuff that is cluttering your home. Be cautious. This energy can make us do crazy stuff with spending, be aware of that. It can also cause us to get rid of things that we will regret later. Hold off until the middle of October if you can to do these things. You will thank yourself later. You are going to be emotional and sentimental. That is okay you are allowed. Write in a journal. Talk to someone who knows you and your past well. You may feel a strong need to reminisce about some of the good things and yes, some of the bad too. Be gentle with yourself and remember that emotions are not bad. None of them. Only what we do with them. If you need guidance or have questions hit me up, or ask for a reading. Now would be a good time, if you are feeling lost. Love, Mishka.
Monday, September 14, 2015
You are looking up at the sky.... there is no full moon, in fact there is no moon at all. Maybe just a sliver. So why the HELL is Mishka doing a full moon post? Because this new moon feels like a full moon. Very powerful. You are probably very emotional... having very upsetting and provoking dreams. You may feel vulnerable, exposed. Those of you who normally feel or see spirits are feeling overwhelmed. Those of you who don't.... might feel or see things you usually don't. You are not crazy and no it is not just a dream. Halloween, Samhain, is coming. The veil (border between this realm and the next) is VERY FREAKING THIN right now. I know, I know, we just had some very hinky energy, but more is on the way. Oh joy of joys... Mercury goes retrograde on the 17th and will remain that way until at least October 6. So enjoy this brief, albeit, charged respite, because we are in for a bumpy ride. Try to stay grounded. Go outside and walk barefoot. The weather is nice. Take your guided meditation outside and soak up some of that good air. Take a salt bath. Smudge your living areas....WELL. Say a prayer or send up intentions for new starts, or restarts of projects that are flagging. Hang in there angels, this too shall pass. Love, Mishka
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Everyone is so worried about fitting in. If you do...
Mishka's Heart: Everyone is so worried about fitting in. If you do...: Everyone is so worried about fitting in. If you don't have the right shoes...you will be mocked and tormented for crying out loud. This ...
Everyone is so worried about fitting in. If you don't have the right shoes...you will be mocked and tormented for crying out loud. This myth is perpetrated by weak minded fearful people. There is no such thing as normal. We are ALL different. This was done by design. My angels, revel in the magic of your uniqueness. Respect does not mean we approve of, or even like everything about those around us, only that we allow that they have the same right to be who they are that we do. Don't fear your individuality, you were born to BE exactly that. Love, is not about only for those who mirror us or are similar to us.... It is about loving the flaws in others, and more importantly, accepting our own. Your flaws are not mistakes. They are there to remind you of your humanity. To teach you humility and kindness. Love others, flaws and all. Love yourself, flaws and all. Love, Mishka.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Keep Loving My Angels.
Mishka's Heart: Keep Loving My Angels.: My dearest angels. I know so many have been betrayed, used, or deeply hurt by people we trusted, loved, thought would NEVER in a million yea...
Keep Loving My Angels.
My dearest angels. I know so many have been betrayed, used, or deeply hurt by people we trusted, loved, thought would NEVER in a million years would hurt us. But they did. I know, you thought they were like you. Kind, honest, faithful. You blame yourself for not seeing it. Don't. It is not your fault for being trusting, open, and loving. It is their fault for taking advantage of your beautiful heart. Always remember that. If someone does you wrong, it is on THEM> NOT YOU. You did nothing wrong. I know you may feel that by not trusting or by closing off your beautiful heart and soul, that you are protecting yourself. You are not, you are letting THEM win. Remain who you are. Yes, you can use your intuition and try to be more aware, but you will be hurt again. I know. But don't close off your heart, your soul. Keep loving, keep trusting. Show the world what LOVE can do. Don't let their ugliness change the remarkable, life-changing soul that you are. You are a GIFT to this world. Believe me, they will answer for their actions at some point.
Also know that they are NOT happy people. How can they be with all that cruelty and distrust? Because know this: Just as they can't trust anyone or truly love anyone, because they think everyone is like them. I would rather be me and trust too many, than be like them and trust no one. What a lonely, frightened existence that must be. Keep Loving my Angels. Love, Mishka.
Also know that they are NOT happy people. How can they be with all that cruelty and distrust? Because know this: Just as they can't trust anyone or truly love anyone, because they think everyone is like them. I would rather be me and trust too many, than be like them and trust no one. What a lonely, frightened existence that must be. Keep Loving my Angels. Love, Mishka.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Mishka's Heart: My angels. I see so many of you suffering, in pain...
Mishka's Heart: My angels. I see so many of you suffering, in pain...: My angels. I see so many of you suffering, in pain. Physical, mental, emotional. I SEE you. I KNOW you. I FEEL you. You are not alone. I kn...
My angels. I see so many of you suffering, in pain. Physical, mental,
emotional. I SEE you. I KNOW you. I FEEL you. You are not alone. I know
that these struggles can change us. Sometimes into things we do not wish
to be. I know it is so hard not to become hard, bitter. I KNOW> Do
good things come to those who put it out in the world? I don't know.
That has not been my experience. I do know that is not why we fight the
good fight. Why we remind ourselves every day who we really are, not who
we have allowed ourselves to become. Remember who you are. Dig deep and
find that hope. Not because good will come to you if you do. Because
you are the good that someone else needs. To lead the way, to prove it
is possible. To keep HOPE alive in this troubled world. Hang on. You can
do this. I know you can.... because I have. Love, Mishka.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Ahhhhh, that is so much better. Do you feel it??? ...
Mishka's Heart: Ahhhhh, that is so much better. Do you feel it??? ...: Ahhhhh, that is so much better. Do you feel it??? That is relief. The absence of the YUCK that has been so pervasive lately. Enjoy this beau...
Ahhhhh, that is so much better. Do you feel it??? That is relief. The absence of the YUCK that has been so pervasive lately. Enjoy this beautiful, serene energy. It will be here for a while, so bask in it and restore and replenish your soul. Breathe deeply and feel it all the way down to your bones. It may take a few days. You probably did not get much rest over the full moon and it's residual energy, so take this time to get some must needed rest. Fuel your body with some comfort food, and relax. That is an order. wink emoticon . I know it has been rough my angels, but it should be SO much better now. Love, Mishka.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Very Heavy Energy
Mishka's Heart: Very Heavy Energy: I know this energy is very heavy and difficult. Trouble sleeping, nightmares, feeling down or depressed. Feeling as if the weight of the w...
Very Heavy Energy
I know this energy is very heavy and difficult. Trouble sleeping,
nightmares, feeling down or depressed. Feeling as if the weight of the
world is on your shoulders. Maybe even a feeling of impending doom. I
know, angels. I know. It is awful. The worst it has been in a long
while. Even those who are usually upbeat may be channeling their inner
goth. Taking a walk on the dark side. I think this is going to be around
for a while, but hang in there. This too shall pass. However, do
pay attention to 'feelings' you may be receiving about loved ones or
situations. Do not ignore these or think, it is just your imagination.
Not right now. Right now...be a little paranoid. Better to look a little
silly if you are wrong. Pray to St. Michael for protection for
yourselves and those you love. Keep true to yourself. It will be very
easy right now to let the ugly side of yourself to cause you to be
someone you don't want to be right now. Endeavor to be conscious of this
fact, or it will bite you. Hang in there my angels. This too shall
pass. Love, Mishka
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Fate vs. Free Will.
Mishka's Heart: Fate vs. Free Will.: My dearest angels.... My thoughts have been drawn to the gift of free will. I know many of us struggle with the idea of Fate vs. free will. ...
Fate vs. Free Will.
My dearest angels.... My thoughts have been drawn to the gift of free will. I know many of us struggle with the idea of Fate vs. free will. Everyone always asks how God (or Goddess or higher power etc.) can allow such atrocities to occur and do nothing about them. The thing about free will... is that it has to be 100% or not at all. It has to be given to those who would do evil as well as those who do good; what would be the point otherwise. I know that it seems callus, but the joy, pain, responsibility, weight, and freedom of free will are actually gifts..... God, or whatever power you believe in, does give us help in the form of messages, miracles, serendipity to show us we are on the right path. Most importantly, He gives us our soul, our inner voice, our intuition, our conscience, our inner Jimminy Cricket to lead us in the right direction. Do we all have a fate that we cannot escape? Of course not. Free will makes our fate our own path to forge. We are not inexorably trapped on a course that no matter what we do we will end up in the same place. Take courage in the fact that we create our own destiny. That is the TRUE gift of free will. Do not pigeon-hole yourself into believing you cannot escape a fate you do not wish, or fear that 'fate' will steal you from the path you are so happy on right now. It is all in our hands ... to do with what we will. Good or Evil. As are the consequences. Find your path... Reach for the stars. And know that the only thing our creator wants us to find, is the fact that love is the most beautiful and magical path we can follow. Love, Mishka.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Don't Give Up.....
Mishka's Heart: Don't Give Up.....: Don't give up.... Don't lose faith.... Keep hoping..... there are good people out there. Kind, honest, loyal... People with convict...
Don't Give Up.....
Don't give up.... Don't lose faith.... Keep hoping..... there are good
people out there. Kind, honest, loyal... People with conviction,
integrity, compassion. People like US. I know if you watch the news or
just look around you, it may be hard to believe; but it is true. It is
just a matter of finding them. Yes, people will betray you, abandon you,
bully you. That is also a fact, but that is on THEM. NOT you. Know that
in your beautiful, generous heart and to the depths of your
brilliant but clouded soul. Don't give up on the human race. Maybe you
just have to look in different places. Keep trying to find good in this
world, because it is there. Hope is there for a reason. It is there to
let us know that no matter how dark it seems, no matter how relentless,
no matter how deep that hole or long that tunnel... there will be light
again. Love again. Truth again. Never stop believing and NEVER give up
hope. That is what lights our soul even in the darkest hour. That is
what keeps our heart beating... even when we no longer want it to. HOPE.
I have hope because of all of you and my family and those I love. I
have SEEN that every time you think the road is at an end, HOPE shows
you a branch in that road that you had not seen before. Love, Mishka.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Don't Be Embarrassed By Grief.
Mishka's Heart: Don't Be Embarrassed By Grief.: Oh my angels... Grief is such a heavy veil. We have all been through it. The loss of loved ones, broken hearts, or even witnessing ...
Don't Be Embarrassed By Grief.
Oh my angels... Grief is such a heavy veil. We have all been through it. The loss of loved ones, broken hearts, or even witnessing the cruelty and horror that surround us every day in this life. It is such a poignant beautiful ache. Bittersweet memories enrobed in the knowledge that we will never share them with our loved ones again, and deep sorrow in the knowledge that we will make no more. The pall of heartaches past clouding the joy of the love we embrace and exalt in now. Do not hide your grief, your sorrow, your pain. Do not be ashamed that your heart has not healed well enough for those around you. Grief is something that will follow us always. We may learn to live around it, but it will be with us FOREVER. We need to be there for each other and share the burden of this ache. Kindness, love, empathy....let them rule us when the pain is too much for us to bear. It is necessary.... part of what keeps us human and humane. Love, Mishka.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Spread the Love.
Mishka's Heart: Spread the Love.: Love is probably the one thing on this Earth that there is no limit to. It is something we give.. hoping for it to come back to us....
Spread the Love.
Love is probably the one thing on this Earth that there is no limit to. It is something we give.. hoping for it to come back to us. We do not understand why it does not come back to us in the way we gave or in the same measure. What I have learned is that we do not love because we will get something back. We love, because it is our nature. When we love without looking for something in return that is the purest form of love. There is no limit on love. We will never run out of it. It is the most renewable resource on the planet and beyond. Know that we do what it is good and right for us to do. We love because that is why we are here. To love and help each other through this maze. I know it is hard, but BE love. If it does not come back to you.... you are still LOVE. Nothing can take that away. Don't be stingy...spread that around... LOVE, Mishka.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Believe that Anything is Possible.
Mishka's Heart: Believe that Anything is Possible.: I like to believe that anything is possible. Yes, I have my dark side. My dark moments, days...YEARS. But I never want to lose that whimsy ...
Believe that Anything is Possible.
I like to believe that anything is possible. Yes, I have my dark side.
My dark moments, days...YEARS. But I never want to lose that whimsy that
allows me to still believe that there is the POSSIBILITY of fairies,
and unicorns, and yes mermaids... anything beautiful, whimsical and yes
even scary. I know that this is part of what keeps me from giving up.
ANYTHING is possible. Daydreaming is frowned upon as an adult. I am
telling you to do it. Daydream all you want. Use that amazing
imagination we have all been blessed with. It is still there even if
you haven't used it for a while. Color in a coloring book, draw, sing
silly songs at the top of your lungs, play; and for GOD'S sake....be
SILLY. Don't be afraid of looking ridiculous... be afraid of NOT looking
ridiculous...at least sometimes. Don't be ashamed of that goofy, dorky
sense of humor. Let it shine. Let yourself SHINE. Read old fairy tales.
Let yourself remember all the things you did when you were a child.
Remember when you used to spin around and around and around and get all
dizzy and fling your arms out to your side with the joy of it? Well, you
don't have to do that, you could fall. But do SOMETHING that makes you
feel free and wild and perfectly joyful like that. Let your childlike
joy and amazement of things be flamed to life again. In the process of
trying to deal with life... Don't forget how to LIVE. Love, Mishka.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Joy, Relief, Release
Mishka's Heart: Joy, Relief, Release: Sometimes a moment of pure beauty can bring us to our knees more effectively than any horror can. We can become inundated by the horror of t...
Joy, Relief, Release
Sometimes a moment of pure beauty can bring us to our knees more effectively than any horror can. We can become inundated by the horror of the things we see on the news or in our personal lives and it can be so painful that we forget to breathe. Just when we think that we are down for the count, something happens. Something beautiful. Something magical. Something so.... breathtaking that the tears you have been holding in burst forth, but not in pain. In relief. In joy. In gratitude. In RELEASE.
These blessings are everywhere; but when we are bombarded by the cruel, the cold and distant, the heartbreaking.... we cannot see anything else. That is when that magical EXPLOSION which can be a mere whisper of a thought, finding an item that we thought was gone forever, a loving hug when we need it most; finds us and relieves that which has been holding us down. We may still rest where we are... weak from what has gone before and stunned by the sudden absence of the weight of our sorrow, anger, bitterness... that we just stop for a moment and revel in it's glorious joy. This can make us more emotional that the bad stuff. There may be tears...lots of them, laughter, stunned moments of silence. Breathe in that moment and let it suffuse your shattered, beaten soul and revive that which you had mistaken as your soul having died, when it was merely sleeping, waiting.... for that magical reawakening that renews even if it will never completely heal. Love, Mishka.
These blessings are everywhere; but when we are bombarded by the cruel, the cold and distant, the heartbreaking.... we cannot see anything else. That is when that magical EXPLOSION which can be a mere whisper of a thought, finding an item that we thought was gone forever, a loving hug when we need it most; finds us and relieves that which has been holding us down. We may still rest where we are... weak from what has gone before and stunned by the sudden absence of the weight of our sorrow, anger, bitterness... that we just stop for a moment and revel in it's glorious joy. This can make us more emotional that the bad stuff. There may be tears...lots of them, laughter, stunned moments of silence. Breathe in that moment and let it suffuse your shattered, beaten soul and revive that which you had mistaken as your soul having died, when it was merely sleeping, waiting.... for that magical reawakening that renews even if it will never completely heal. Love, Mishka.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Desensitization does not mean we don't care...
Mishka's Heart:
Desensitization does not mean we don't care...: Desensitization does not mean we don't care. In so many cases it is an indicator that we care TOO MUCH. It is an defense mecha...
Desensitization does not mean we don't care...: Desensitization does not mean we don't care. In so many cases it is an indicator that we care TOO MUCH. It is an defense mecha...
Desensitization does not mean we don't care. In so many cases it is an indicator that we care TOO MUCH. It is an defense mechanism against losing our minds completely. I, for some reason, just don't have this. In some ways I wish I did. Yes, we have always had to deal with terrible issues, but now we are inundated by it every minute of the day though news, social media, etc. It takes it's toll. You may feel numb and as if you just need to concentrate on what is immediately surrounding you. That is okay. We all need to do what we need to do to survive. IT is so overwhelming that we can become depressed, angry, indignant, fearful, grief-stricken....overcome with very heavy emotions that can make it difficult to cope in everyday life. We are human. Our compassion is one of our most defining characteristics no matter what the news would have you believe. Those emotions are not things we should just ignore or pretend not to have.. It is okay to be despondent sometimes. To lose hope. It is impossible not to once in a while in this world But there is always HOPE. The very reason we experience these emotions is reason for hope. It is what drives us to make life better for first ourselves, the ones we love and the world around us. So even in the deepest despair take comfort that it is because of those emotions we become so much more than we thought we ever could. Love, Mishka.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Mishka's Heart: One of my fondest memories of childhood (o...
Mishka's Heart:
One of my fondest memories of childhood (o...: One of my fondest memories of childhood (or maybe a LITTLE older ;)) was being outside on a summer's night catching fireflies...
One of my fondest memories of childhood (o...: One of my fondest memories of childhood (or maybe a LITTLE older ;)) was being outside on a summer's night catching fireflies...
One of my fondest memories of childhood (or maybe a LITTLE older ;)) was being outside on a summer's night catching fireflies.. Or as I thought of them... fairies. That wonder of watching these floating glimmers of light emerge seemingly out of thin air. The sense of magic and whimsy that enveloped me.... That belief that maybe I would actually catch a fairy... which I still believe is possible...Or standing in the rain just letting it pour down over my head and laughing and dancing with joy. Yes we have to grow up...but there are things we will NEVER outgrow, nor should we. I am going to tell you a secret... shhh..... There is magic EVERYWHERE. In the air we breathe, in a summer storm, in the laugh of a child.... we all see those. But there ARE fairies... (they will get mad if you refuse to believe..and we do NOT want to piss off the fairies), angels, and all sorts of magical creatures.. we have just been told they don't exist so much that we cannot see them any longer. Take a deep breath, smile, laugh and be still for a moment and let that delicious enchantment wash over you once more. BELIEVE... in all things magical and impossible (the more impossible the better)...but most of all in the magic of your own soul. It is capable of ANYTHING... Your imagination and the love in your heart are the only limits... the best part of this... there ARE no limits.. BE THE MAGIC... Love, Mishka
Monday, July 13, 2015
Mishka's Heart: My angels, please know that whatever you are feeli...
Mishka's Heart: My angels, please know that whatever you are feeli...: My angels, please know that whatever you are feeling, whatever you are going through.. allow yourself the gift of understanding you would ...
My angels, please know that whatever you are feeling, whatever you are going through.. allow yourself the gift of understanding you would bestow upon others. Emotions are what make us human. We cannot control how we feel, but we can try to be the best of ourselves, especially when we are down at our worst. It is NOT a failure. The only true failure is when we stop trying, when we give up. That is why God gave us HOPE. Sometimes it is the only thing keeping us holding on. Accept it for what it is...acknowledgement of what we are going through no matter how trivial others may see it, or how devastating it is.... and the truth that there is a light on the other side. That is truly what HOPE is...the light at the end of the tunnel. It is one of the most beautiful gifts we have been given by our creator with the exception if love. Do not beat yourself up. Feel what you are feeling and move forward the best you can. If you need help seeing that light...reach out...that is what we are all here for.... to help each other. Hang in there. The storm will pass. But for now be who you are ...at this moment. Accept that person and love them and show them the kindness you would show another. Stop being so hard on yourself. We are not supposed to be perfect. KNOW that. Love Mishka
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Mishka's Heart: I don't know about the rest of you, but I have bee...
Mishka's Heart: I don't know about the rest of you, but I have bee...: I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been through the ringer over the last few weeks. This last one was the most INTENSE.... A...
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been through the ringer over the last few weeks. This last one was the most INTENSE.... Almost unbearable. I am still having a LOT of very vivid INTENSE dreams...but they have been very cathartic in a way. I have closed the door on so many things that have been hanging over me for such a long time. It is liberating in a way, even though I am completely mentally wrung out.... Sometimes we have to go through the deep muddy swamp of our minds to find what we need to clean out....Yeah it is slow going and exhausting, but somehow we find the will to persevere. We can come back to who we truly are, with the knowledge and strength to do it with dignity and grace instead of struggling all the time. Two more days and Mercury goes direct...the energy should lighten up and all this will just pass by with a sigh of relief.... Just remember what you have learned... otherwise, you will have to do it all again later. Be grateful. Grateful that you have come to a place of closure, and grateful this INTENSITY is about to give way to some blessed relief. Love, Mishka.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Be the Butterfly.....
Mishka's Heart: Be the Butterfly.....: I have learned a valuable lesson. In some ways on my path to enlightenment, I was trying to fight my true nature. Yes, I am too nice, yes my...
Be the Butterfly.....
I have learned a valuable lesson. In some ways on my path to enlightenment, I was trying to fight my true nature. Yes, I am too nice, yes my heart is too soft, I forgive too easily, people walk all over me. It is true. But the basis for this is KINDNESS. This was a revelation of sorts for me. I know I am kind, but those other behaviors also come from that place. I have come to the conclusion, that this is probably never going to change ...and that is okay. Take the butterfly. Part of the caterpillar is still part of her. In fact it was a necessary and integral part of what the butterfly would ultimately become, and it is still part of her. It always will be ...so it is with us. Don't beat yourself up for these 'flaws'. They are gifts...given to us for a reason. Without them we will never truly BECOME.... I am finally getting there...it has been a long road. But it is OKAY to keep part of the caterpillar...In fact it is necessary. The potential of the butterfly was always there....it just needed to be READY. Keep the faith until you are ready....you will know when it happens. And it WILL happen Love, Mishka....
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Mercury Retrograde.....WHEW...This is a toughie......
Mishka's Heart: Mercury Retrograde.....WHEW...This is a toughie......: Our emotions overflow just like water over a waterfall. Right now there is a LOT of intensity. Even if it is good, it is overwhelming. Kind ...
Mercury Retrograde.....WHEW...This is a toughie....
Our emotions overflow just like water over a waterfall. Right now there is a LOT of intensity. Even if it is good, it is overwhelming. Kind of like being hit with a tidal wave. Ride it out. it will be over soon. Meanwhile, examine what is overflowing for you, it has definite importance for moving forward to where you need to be. It may not be where you want to be; in fact it probably isn't. But it is most definitely leading you to where you NEED to be. They are very rarely the same place. Learning is an adventure. This one is learning about where you need to go to grow into the person you truly are MEANT to be. Embrace it Love, Mishka.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Mishka's Heart: Insanity??????
Mishka's Heart: Insanity??????: Definition of Insanity???? Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results........ Yup, that is about it. Thinking about it I...
Definition of Insanity???? Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results........ Yup, that is about it. Thinking about it I must be really insane. I keep expecting people to care the way I do. I keep expecting them to be kind, loyal, honest. It IS insane. It continues to not be true...but I keep expecting it. Expecting them to be honorable, to have conviction.... to stand up for me the way I would for them. I don't mean everyone. There are so many who keep that hope alive in me. I just keep EXPECTING it...in everyone. Am I insane? Are you???? Full moon rambling....Brings out the philosopher in me... And if I am insane...do I really want to change???? <3 Mishka.
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